Cognitive Web Accessibility: Assessments

This is a description of the criteria and the methodology I use to assess the efforts of 100 cognitive disability organizations to make their Web sites accessible to their constituencies. For more information, see the archive of related blog posts.


Evaluation Criteria

Seven criteria are based upon WebAIM's latest Cognitive Web Accessibility Checklist:




Three criteria help evaluate general Web site accessibility.

10-Point Measurement

On at least three pages per Web site, I look for the presence or the absence of features that meet the guidelines listed for each of the checklist's sections. I average the number of guidelines that were met (successes) with those that were not (failures). For an average success of 75% or higher, I record one point. Up to seven such checklist points could be recorded.

I record one point each for the presence of the remaining three design-related criteria.


To be judged accessible, a Web site must minimally meet all (4) design criteria and all (3) content criteria based upon WebAIM's checklist. Up to 3 points for design-related criteria add to the total score.

Web Sites Chosen For Assessments

The Web sites I assess are from my list of over 100 cognitive disability organizations.

Assessment Tools

Visit The Clear Helper Blog: Developing best practices of Web accessibility for people with intellectual / cognitive disabilities.